Aminet 5
Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso
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WBGames History:
WBGames 2.5:
1. Keyboard shortcuts added to all menus [Hezu's request].
2. "Next" option in the menu is changed to "Hint" in
WBColumns and WBTetris.
3. Picture of the next piece in WBColumns wasn't completely
erased when Hint option was turned off. It's fixed now.
4. MY S-MAIL ADDRESS HAVE CHANGED. E-mail address stays
the same.
WBGames 2.4:
1. Games adapt to the screen ratio now [RATIO tooltype].
2. Clumsy way to change colors was added [COLORS tooltype]
3. WBTetris and WBGames have REVERSE option to reverse
rotation [_3V_'s request] and ADDLEVEL option to
automatically increase level when some number of rows is
4. Font fo the messages can be set now and games adapt to
its size [FONT and FONTSIZE].
5. Dots on WBTetris and WBColumns fields can be made smaller
or eliminated completely [Hezu's request] using DOTS
6. WBGames use NewLook menus by default now. They can be
switched of by NEWMENUS tooltype. Also, menu layout was
cleaned up in most games.
7. Code of all games is cleaned up and structured.
8. WBGames will open on a default public screen if no screen
was given now.
9. MagicWB-styled icons by Tau are added.
10. Arrow keys work in WB15 now.
12. All warnings/error messages/info are done using
EasyRequest() now.
13. Incomplete redraw bug is fixed in WBBoxMan and WBBoulder.
WBGames 2.3:
1. Beta which was given to some people on IRC but was never
WBGames 2.0:
1. Beta which was never released.
2. Had gfx scaling which was replaced by two distinct sets
of gfx in the later versions.
WBGames 1.7:
1. New game called WBBoulder is added to the package. It
is a clone of BoulderDash. Usage and editing of levels
is similar to WBBoxMan. The Boulder.DAT file contains
2. I took the level selection out of WB15. It is not needed
in there anyway. I also changed "End of Game" message
in WB15.
3. All games are rewritten so that they better adapt to
different screen and window types.
4. I changed several things so that next versions can be
easily adapted for both 2:1 (640*200) and 1:1 (640*400)
screens. This capability isn't used yet, but it will be
used in the next release!
5. In both WBBoulder and WBBoxMan the "Level" menu is used
to browse through the levels, not to set some certain level
6. I changed the icon for WBBoxMan executable.
7. My E-Mail address has changed (notice this!).
WBGames 1.6:
1. All games were recompiled with the updated C compiler
2. Prevoius versions didn't check the height of the window
title bar. So, if you try to use something like Times 24
as the title font, old WBGames looked ugly.
3. WBGames 1.5 didn't open Topaz 8 font in order to use it.
I assume that it is always opened anyway, but being nice
I added OpenFont()/CloseFont() calls ( On other hand, who
knows, what CBM will come up with... ).
4. The look of the games has improved ( Well, it CHANGED. ).
5. WBBoxMan now counts number of pushes, not the number of
arrow movements.
6. I added one more tooltype to all of the games: PAUSED.
It defines if the game will be paused on startup.
7. Because of frequent updates, I put the date of the last
modification in the title bar.
8. After I found ASokoban by P.J.Christias I stole couple of
ideas from it, including the set of the mazes. This set is
called Sokoban.Dat. Sorry for this, but ASokoban looks so
9. Manual has improved one more time ( Don't say it is still
unreadable! ). So, the last version of the manual didn't
tell you that you can use SHOWNEXT tooltype in the Tetris
and Columns.
10. Number of levels in BoxMan isn't limited anymore. You may
have hundreds of levels in a single file, if you desire.
Just remember, that any time when BoxMan can't open the
level, it will begin the game from the level 1 assuming
that there are no more levels in this data file.
WBGames 1.5:
1. There was a terrible bug in all previous WBGames. It can be
seen in the old MineSweeper: after you try to resize its
window, Intuition will update its Close/Zoom/Resize/TopBottom
gadgets every time you use any menu (even if it is the menu
of different program). Doesn't look dangerous, does it?
Nevertheless, this thing is capable of causing gurus and
screwing up the system.
2. WBColumns was starting with the same piece every time you ran
it. Now it selects the random piece.
3. I'm terribly sorry for the random number generator I use.
The rand() function in my C compiler is extremely bad; it
causes all those strange mines layouts in MineSweeper and it
also doesn't mix the pieces in the WB15 enough. In the new
versions I have improved it a little, but don't expect good
4. WBTetris and WBColumns are FASTER now! Yes, level 5 became too
fast for me and I went to the level 4!
WBGames are still WB-Games, but now they can be played on ANY
public screen. You can also change window coordinates, levels
and field sizes on startup. Read the rest of the manual for
6. Another, quite obvious improvement: I have a tradition to add a
new game to each edition. This time it is BoxMan - the Sokoban
(a.k.a. Boxxle) clone. Unfortunately, there are only 7 levels
ready. If you need more - feel free to modify Levels.Dat file.
Just don't forget to send your masterpiece to me, I also like
to play this game!